2013년 11월 25일 월요일

2013년 11월 13일 수요일

group assignments

1. target calss : 중1 regular class

2. specific skill area
-speaking ? listening? pronunciation? grammar?

3. Whole project do you want to do?
 CALL project only
  - digital story telling project ( for reading practice, writing practice, narative practice...)
  - collaborative wiki project
  - cross- cultural project
  - webquest (online task) 오늘배운거 +  student sample?
  - mobile app project (아직안배움)
  - project for extensive reading (아직안배움)
  - voice thread and voki
4. You need to know and check target curriculum and  review find out the problem. solve it.

Call review3

 I have explored a variety of CALL programs. While I learned some programs of which purpose was to improve students' skills such as speaking, reading, writing, listening, I knew a lot programs for fun. In learning language,

Advantage of Treasure hunt

1. Learner centered

2. Authentic learning

3. Reading practice activity (skimming, scanning) →  Can provide various contents

4. Can use many reading strategies depending on students' purpose

2013년 11월 11일 월요일

EB vs IB

Extensive reading

-easy book
-out of accuracy
-fast reading
-Top down (skipping and scanning)

Intensive reading

-focusing on language
-slow reading
-bottom up
-serious reading
-study purpose