2013년 9월 23일 월요일


I found word 'among' in the three moives, Halloween, Amadeus, Alien.
'Them' is usually used after 'among'.

voca recources (Finding Nemo)

I choose the movie, Finding Nemo,  because it is proper to the word I compared with corpora and cocordandce in movie, Finding Nemo. There are 46 'Been's in script in' Finding Nemo.'  Most of all are used for axiliary verb in  present perfect form and rest of them are used  for rest of age. For example, 'something have been felled to smelt the ore' is representitive sentence in moive, Finding Nemo. The 'Be' form are used for passive voice. For example, there are something like 'Be surprised', etc are passive form of language using 'Be.' 'Be' form is used for this purpose in 28times in movie, Finding Nemo. For example,  there is a sentence like 'be detected by the~ ' in the movie, Finding Nemo script.

2013년 9월 16일 월요일

Corpus Corpora Concordance

 Copus data show statistical figures of authentic usage of language.Through this, students can access real-life language data. Actually, they can hardly take practical uses of the words they have learned. It is also hard for many teachers to teach live words. Thanks to corpus, even though students don't go abroad to learn language, they can take and learn real word. Corpus data is used for concordance program, concordancer. Concordance is index of words used in texts or the body of texts in an alphabet order.